Surah At Takathur with Urdu Translation

Surah At Takathr read online

Read and listen to Surah At-Takathur. The Surah was revealed in Mecca, and 102 in the Quran. This surah 8 stanzas. 

Tafseer: Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi

Surah At Takathr 

The Surah taken its name from the word at takathur in the principal stanza. Abu Hayyan and Shaukani say that this Surah, as per all observers, is Makki, and this equivalent is the notable view as per Iman Suyuti. In any case, there are a few practices, based on which it is viewed as a Madani Surah, and they are as per the following:

Ibn Abi Hatim has refered to Abu Buraidah as saying that this Surah was sent down concerning the two clans, Bani Harithah and Bani al-Harth, of the Ansar. The two clans had first described the wonders and distinguished deeds of their living men; then, at that point, they had gone to the cemetery and boasted about the brilliant deeds of their dead. However, assuming the act of the Partners and their replacements concerning the events of disclosure, is kept in view, this custom is no contention to demonstrate that Surah At Takathur was sent down on that very event, yet it shows that this Surah completely applied to the demonstration of the two clans.

Imam Bukhari and Ibn Jarir have refered to this perspective on Hadrat Ubayy receptacle Ka'ab: "We took the Sacred Prophet saying: "In the event that the child of Adam had two valleys loaded with riches, he would yearn for a third valley; the child of Adam's gut can't be filled however by earth, to be from the Quran until Alhakum at takathur was sent down."

This Hadith has been viewed as a contention for Surah At-Takathur to be a Madani Surah on the ground that Hadrat Ubayy had turned into a Muslim in Madinah. it can't be OK, for an extraordinary larger part of the Mates comprised of the ones who were very much aware of every single expression of the Quran; they could never have the misconception that the Hadith was a stanza of the Quran. Furthermore, assuming its having a place with the Quran is interpreted as meaning its being gotten from the Quran, the custom can likewise imply that when the Sidekicks who entered Islam in Madinah, heard this Surah interestingly from the Sacred Prophet, they believed that it had been uncovered all at once, and afterward about the Blessed Prophet's above saying they shaped the possibility that it was gotten from this very Surah.

Ibn Jarir Tirmidhi, Ibn al Mundhir and other traditionists have related this perspective on Hadrat Ali: "We were in uncertainty about the torture of the grave until Alhakum at takathur was sent down." This view has been viewed as a contention for Surah At-Takathur to be Madani on the ground that the torture of the grave was first referenced at Madinah; no notice of it was made at Makkah. In any case, this is off-base. In the Makki Surahs of the Quran, the torture of the grave has been referenced at many places so obviously that there could he at any point no space for any such uncertainty; for instance, see Al-An'am: 93, An-Nahl: 28, Al-Muminun: 99-100, Al-Mu'min: 45-46, which are all Makki Surahs. Thusly, assuming anything is demonstrated by Hadrat Ali's maxim, it is that Surah At-Takathur had been uncovered before the disclosure of the previously mentioned Makki Surahs and its disclosure had eliminated the Associates uncertainty about the torture of the grave.

As we would see it this isn't just a Makki Surah however considering its items and style it is one of the earliest Surahs to be uncovered at Makkah.


In it individuals have been cautioned of the detestable results of world love in light of which they spend their lives in procuring increasingly more of common abundance, material advantages and delights, and position and power, till death, and in competing with each other and gloating and flaunting about their acquisitions. This one pursuit has so involved them that they are left with no time or a chance for seeking after the higher things throughout everyday life. In the wake of caution individuals of its malicious end they have been informed us if to say: "These favors which you are hoarding and getting a charge out of negligently, are not simple gifts but rather are likewise a method for your preliminary. For every single one of these gifts and solaces you will most likely be demanded an explanation from in the Great beyond."

1. The words alhakum at-takathur of the first are excessively immense in significance to be completely made sense of in an entry Alhakmn is from lahv which initially implies imprudence, however in Arabic this word is utilized for each occupation which fascinates man so totally that he becomes thoughtless of the more significant things throughout everyday life.

At the point when the word alhakum is produced using this root, it will imply that man has become so fixated on some occupation that he has neglected to focus on everything more significant than it.

(1) That man ought to endeavor to acquire and a greater amount of everything;

(2) that individuals ought to strive with each other for acquiring and the sky is the limit from there; and

(3) that they ought to gloat and flaunt having more prominent wealth of things than others.

Accordingly, alhakum at-takathur would mean: " Takathur (covetousness for to an ever increasing extent) has so involved you that its interest has made you remiss of each and every higher thing throughout everyday life." In this sentence it has not been shown as to overflow of what is implied in takathur, lack of consideration of what is suggested in alhakrun, and who are the addresses of alhakum. Without even a trace of such a clarification, the words become pertinent in their generally broad and broad significance. In this manner, takathur doesn't stay limited in importance and application yet applies to every one of the additions and advantages, joys and comforts, the energy for procuring an ever increasing number of method for power and authority, competing with others in quest for these and gloating and bragging their overflow. Moreover, the recipients of alhakum additionally don't stay restricted however individuals, all things considered, in their person as well as aggregate limit, become its recipients. It gives the implying that the energy for procuring increasingly more of the common abundance, competing with others in quest for it and gloating and bragging its ownership has impacted people as well as social orders.  become exceptionally broad in significance. It implies that the enthusiasm for stacking up increasingly more has made individuals reckless of everything more significant than it. They have become careless of God, of the Great beyond, of the ethical limits and moral obligations, of the freedoms of others and of their own commitments to deliver those privileges. They are solely after increasing the expectation of living and don't annoy regardless of whether the norm of humankind be falling. They need to get increasingly more of abundance regardless of how and by what implies it is obtained. They want to have an ever increasing number of method for solace and actual happiness and, overpowered by this avarice, they have become entirely unfeeling with regards to a definitive finish of this approach to everyday life. They are participated in a race with others to gain increasingly more of force, increasingly more of powers, increasingly more of weapons, and they have no clue about that this is a method for filling God's earth with oppression and devilishness and of obliterating humankind itself. So, takathur has many structures, which have engaged people as well as social orders so totally that they have become imprudent of everything past the world, its advantages and joys.

3. That is, "You are under the fancy that the wealth of the common products and outperforming others in it, is genuine advancement and achievement, while the inverse is the situation. Before long you will know its underhanded end and you will understand that it was a dynamite blunder in which you stayed involved all through your life. "Before long" may mean the Great beyond, for, for the Being Whose sight grasps all ages, from one endlessness to another, a couple thousand years or two or three hundred thousand years must be a limited capacity to focus the everlasting time. Be that as it may, it can likewise mean passing, for death isn't extremely far away from any man, and not long after death man will come to know whether the occupations which drew in him over the course of life were a method for favorable luck and accomplishment for him, or of hardship and disappointment.

4. Then" in this sentence doesn't imply that responsibility will be held after the guilty parties have been projected into Heck, however it signifies: "Then We give you the news that you will be examined concerning these solaces of life," and clearly this scrutinizing will be held at the hour of responsibility in the Heavenly Court. Its central contention is that in a few Ahadith it has been accounted for from the Sacred Prophet (upon whom be harmony) that the devotees and the doubters, both should represent the favors conceded by Allah. Be that as it may, individuals who didn't show selfishness however spent their lives as appreciative workers of Allah, will come out fruitful from the responsibility, and the people who demonstrated difficult to Allah for His favors and serious thanklessness by word or by deed, or by both; will arise as disappointments.

Hadrat Jabir container 'Abdullah says: "The Sacred Prophet once visited us and we served him with new dates and gave him cool water to drink. Immediately he said: "These are of the favors about which you will be addressed." (Musnad Ahmad, Nasa'i, Ibn Jarir, Ibn al-Mundhir, Ibn Marduyah, 'Abd canister Humaid, Baihaqi in Debris Shu 'stomach muscle).

Hadrat Abu Hurairah has detailed that the Blessed Prophet once asked Hadrat Abu Bakr and Hadrat 'Umar to go with him to the spot of AbulHaitham canister at-Tahan Ansari. In this manner, he took them to the desert garden of Ibn at-Taihan-The last option brought a lot of dates and set it before them. The Blessed Prophet said: "For what reason didn't you cull the dates yourself? ' He said: "1 idea you would yourselves select and eat dates of your decision." Thus, they ate the dates and hydrated. Toward the end, the Sacred Prophet said: "By Him in Whose hand is my life: this is of the favors about which you will be addressed on the Revival Day: the cool shade, the cool dates, the cool water." (This custom has been described in various ways by Muslim, Ibn Majah, Abu Da'ud, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, Ibn Jarir, Abu Ya'la and others, on the power of Hadrat Abu Hurairah, in some of which the name of the Ansari Friend has been referenced and in some he has been alluded to as an individual from among the Ansar. This episode has been connected with a few subtleties by Ibn Abi Hatim from Hadrat 'Umar and by Imam Ahmad from Abu 'Asib, the Heavenly Prophet's liberated slave. Ibn Hibban and Ibn Marduyah have related a custom from Hadrat 'Abdullah canister 'Abbas, which shows that a practically comparable thing had occurred in the place of Hadrat Abu Ayyub Ansari.

These Ahadith make it express that the skeptics as well as the honorable adherents also will be addressed. With respect to the favors which Allah has presented to man, they are limitless and incalculable. There are numerous gifts of what man isn't even cognizant. Incalculable of them are the endowments which Allah has conceded straightforwardly to man, and countless these are the favors what man is allowed through his own expertise and try. About the favors that gather to man in outcome of his own work and ability, he should deliver a record with regards to how he procured them and in what ways he exhausted them. In regard of the endowments straightforwardly gave by Allah, he should give a record concerning how he utilized them. What's more, in regard of the multitude of favors, in general, he should tell whether he had recognized that those endowments had been conceded by Allah and whether he had offered thanks for them to Allah with his heart, and by word and deed, or whether he assumed he had gotten all that coincidentally, or as' a gift from numerous divine beings, or whether he Geld the conviction that albeit those were the gifts of One God, in their bestowal numerous different creatures likewise had a section, and for that very reason he had accepted them as his divine beings and loved and said thanks to them thusly.

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