Surah Humaza with Urdu Translation

Surah Humaza: 

Peruse and pay attention to Surah Humazah. The Surah was uncovered in Mecca, requested 104 in the Quran.

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Tafseer: Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi

Surah Al Humaza

The Surah takes its name from the word humazah happening in the principal section. All observers are concurred that it is a Makki Surah; an investigation of its topic and style shows that this also is one of the earliest Surahs to be uncovered at Makkah.

Surah Al Humaza Topic

In it a portion of the disasters pervasive among the materialistic hoarders of abundance in the pre-Islamic days have been denounced. Each Bedouin realize that they really existed in their general public; they viewed them as disasters and no one idea they were great. Subsequent to pointing out this sort of monstrous person, a definitive end in the Great beyond of individuals having this sort of character has been expressed. Both these things (for example the person and his destiny in the Great beyond) have been portrayed in a way which makes the audience consequently arrive at the decision that such a man fitly has the right to meet such an end. Also, since on the planet, individuals of such person experience no discipline, however appear to be flourishing all things being equal, the event of the Great beyond turns out to be totally inescapable.

Assuming that this Surah is perused in the arrangement of the Surahs starting with Az-Zilzal, one can completely surely know how the basic convictions of Islam and its lessons were dazzled on the people groups minds in the earliest stage in Makkah. In Surah Az-Zilzal, it was expressed that in the Great beyond man's full record will be put before him and not a particle's weight of good or evil done by him on the planet will have been left unrecorded. In Surah Al-Adiyat, consideration was attracted to the loot and plunder, carnage and defacing, winning in Arabia before Islam; then, at that point, making individuals understand, that the manner in which the powers given by God were being mishandled, was without a doubt a statement of sheer thoughtlessness to Him, they were informed that the matter wouldn't wind up on the planet, however in the second eternal life their deeds as well as their expectations and intentions excessively would be analyzed, and their Ruler completely understands which of them merits what prize or discipline. In Surah Al-Qariah subsequent to portraying Revival individuals were cautioned that in the Great beyond a man's decent or malicious end will be subject to whether the size of his great deeds was heavier, or the size of his underhanded deeds was heavier:In Surah At-Takathur individuals were reprimanded for the materialistic mindset as a result of which they stayed involved in looking for expansion in common advantages, joys, solaces and position, and in competing with each other for wealth of everything til' the very end overwhelmed them. yet for each and every gift that they were appreciating on the planet, they would need to deliver a record to their Master and Sustainer with regards to. In Surah Al-Asr it was announced that every part, each gathering and every local area of humankind, even the whole universe of mankind, was in manifest misfortune, assuming its individuals were absent any trace of Confidence and equitable deeds and of the act of admonishing others to truth and persistence. 

1. The words utilized in the first are humazat il-lumazah.  Yet, this distinction isn't unmistakable and clear, for the importance given to lamz by a few Arabic talking individuals themselves is given to lamz by other Arabic talking people groups. Going against the norm, the importance given to hurt by certain individuals is given to hamz by others. slanderer that he put-downs and censures others routinely. He raises his finger and winks at one man, sees a problem with the genealogy and individual of another, insults one in the face and belittles another; makes contrasts among companions and works up divisions between siblings; calls individuals names and ridicules and maligns them.

2. This second sentence after the principal sentence without anyone else gives the implying that he criticizes others as a result of his pride of riches. The words jama 'a malan for gathering cash recommend the wealth of riches; then the words "counting it again and again" portray the individual's stinginess and his self centered storing of riches.

3. Another importance likewise can be: "He feels that his abundance will make him everlasting." That is, he is so engaged in gathering riches and counting it again and again that he has failed to remember demise and he never tries to look at that as a period will come when he should withdraw from the world with basically nothing, abandoning everything.

4. The word in the first is la yrtnbadhanna. Nabdh in Arabic is utilized for discarding a thing viewing it as useless and mean. This without help from anyone else demonstrates that due to his abundance he imagines that he is an extraordinary man however Upon the arrival Of Restoration he will be flung into Damnation as a mean and despicable item.

5 Damnation has been depicted by this appellation since it will pound and break to pieces whatever is tossed into it as a result of its profundity and its fire.

6. Nowhere else in the Qur'an has the fire of Agony been known as the fire of Allah. For that reason Allah has depicted that fire as His own Fire into which they will be flung.

7. Tattali'u is from ittala a, and that means to climb and mount to the top, and furthermore to know and informed. Afidah is plural of fuwad, and that implies the heart. However, this word isn't utilized for the organ which pulsates in the bosom, yet for the seat of man's comprehension and cognizance, his'feelings and wants, convictions and considerations, thought processes and aims, Hence, one importance of the ascending of the fire to the hearts is simply this. fire will arrive at the spot which is the focal point of man's abhorrent contemplations, deceptions, polluted wants and sentiments, and mischievous thought processes and expectations. The subsequent significance is that the Fire of Allah won't be visually impaired like the tire of the world, which copies up the meriting and the non-meriting the same, yet it will arrive at the core of each and every offender and find the idea of his wrongdoing and afterward rebuff him as indicated by his responsibility.

8. That is, after the guilty parties have been tossed into it, Damnation will be shut in upon them without leaving any cut or opening anyplace, to gag and choke out them.

Fi amad-im-mumaddahah can have a few implications

(1) That the doors of Agony will be shut and tall segments will be raised on them;

(2) that the guilty parties will be attached to the tall sections;

(3) as indicated by Ibn 'Abbas, the flares of the fire will be ascending high like tall segments.

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