Surah Nasr with urdu Translation

Surah Nasr

Peruse Surah An-Nasr. The Surah was uncovered in Medina, requested 110 in the Quran. The Surah title signifies "The Heavenly Help" in English and comprise of 3 ayat.

Tafseer Surah Nasr

[1-3] When Allah's assistance comes and triumph is attained.1 And (O Prophet,) you see that individuals are going into Allah's Religion in crowds.2 Then commend your Master with His praise,3 and appeal to God for His forgiveness.4 To be sure, He is at any point leaned to acknowledge apology.

The Surah takes its name from the word nasr happening in the main refrain. Hadrat Abdullah container Abbas states that this is the last Surah of the Quran to be uncovered, I. e. no total Surah was sent down to the Sacred Prophet after it. 

As per Hadrat Abdullah receptacle Umar, this Surah was sent down on the event of the Goodbye Journey in the Tashriq Days at Mina, and after it the Sacred Prophet rode his she camel and gave his notable Lesson. (Tirmidhi, Bazzar, Baihaqi, Ibn Abi Shaibah, Abd receptacle Humaid, Abn Yala, Ibn Marduyah). Baihaqi in Kitab al-Hajj has related from the practice of Hadrat Sarra bint-Nabhan the Message which the Heavenly Prophet gave on this event. She says:

"At the Goodbye Journey I heard the Heavenly Prophet say: O individuals, do you have any idea what day it is? They said: Allah and His Courier have the best information. He said: This is the center day of the Tashriq Days. Then, at that point, he said: Do you have any idea what place it is? They said: Allah and His Courier have the best information. He said: This is Masharil-Haram. Then he said: I don't have the foggiest idea, I probably won't meet you here once more. Be careful, your bloods and your distinctions are illegal, until you show up before your Master, and He questions you about your deeds. Tune in: let the person who is close pass it on to a distant. him. Tune in: have I passed the message on to you? Then, when we got back to Madinah, the Sacred Prophet died relatively few days after that."

Assuming both these practices are perused together, apparently there was a time frame months and occasionally between the disclosure of Surah An-Nasr and the Heavenly Prophet's demise, for generally the equivalent was the stretch between the Goodbye Journey and the dying of the Sacred Prophet.

Ibn Abbas says that when this Surah was uncovered, the Blessed Prophet said that he had been educated regarding his demise and his time had drawn nearer. (Musnad Ahmad, Ibn Jarir, Ibn al-Mundhir, Ibn Marduyah). In different customs related from Hadrat Abdullah canister Abbas, it has been expressed that at the disclosure of this Surah the Blessed Prophet comprehended that he had been educated regarding his takeoff from the world.(Musnad Ahmad, Ibn Jarir, Tabarani, Nasai, Ibn Abi Hatim, Ibn Marduyah).

Mother of the Devotees, Hadrat Umm Habibah, says that when this Surah was uncovered the Blessed Prophet said that he would leave the world that year. Hearing this Hadrat Fatimah sobbed. Thereat he expressed: "From among my family you will be quick to go along with me." Hearing this she laughed.(Ibn Abi Hatim, Ibn Marduyah). A custom containing practically a similar topic has been connected by Baihaqi from Ibn Abbas.

This was not enjoyed by some of them. They grumbled that they additionally had children who resembled the kid. Why then, at that point, would he say he was specifically welcome to sit in the gathering? (Imam Bukhari and Ibn Jarir have brought up that something like this was said by Hadrat Abdur Rahman receptacle Auf).

Hadrat Umar said that the kid partook in the position and differentiation in light of his insight. Then one day he welcomed the Friends of Badr and called me additionally to sit with them. I comprehended that he had welcomed me to the gathering to demonstrate his dispute. During the discussion Hadrat Umar requested the Sidekicks from Badr: "What do you say about Idha jaa nasrullahi wal-fath?" Some said: "In it we have been urged to laud Allah and request His absolution when His aid comes and we accomplish victory."Some others said that it suggested the triumph of urban communities and fortresses. Some stayed silent. Then, at that point, Hadrat Umar said: "Ibn Abbas, do you additionally say the same?"I said no. He inquired: "What then is your view? would be an indication that his hour had come; consequently, he ought to commend Allah and request His pardoning. Thereat Hadrat Umar said "I know nothing yet what you have said."

In one more practice there is the expansion that, Hadrat Umar shared with the Sidekicks: "How might you fault me when you yourselves have seen the reason why I welcome this kid to join the gathering?" 

1 Victory here doesn't suggest triumph in any one specific mission yet the definitive triumph after which there stayed no power in the land to oppose and go against Islam, and it became obvious that Islam alone would hold influence in Arabia A few reporters have taken this to infer the Success of Makkah. Be that as it may, the victory of Makkah occurred iu A.H. 8, and this Surah was uncovered towards the finish of A.H.10, as is shown by the customs related on the power of Hadrat 'Abdullah canister 'Umar and Hadrat Sarra' bint Nabhan, which we have refered to in the Presentation. Plus, the explanation of Hadrat 'Abdullah container 'Abbas that this is the last Surah of the Qur'an to be uncovered, additionally conflicts with this analysis. For assuming the triumph suggested the success of Makkah, the entire of Surah at-Taubah was uncovered after it then it couldn't be the last Surah. There is no question that the triumph of Makkah was definitive in that it broke the force of the Middle Eastern agnostics, yet even after this, they gave obvious signs of opposition. The skirmishes of Ta'if and Hunain were battled after it, and it took Islam around two years to accomplish unlimited authority over Arabia.

2 "You see ... in swarms": "When the ideal opportunity for individuals to enter Islam in one's and two's reaches a conclusion, and when entire clans and individuals having a place with huge lots begin entering it in swarms, willingly, and without offering fight or obstruction." This occurred from the outset of A.H. 9, due to which that year has been portrayed as the extended time of delegations. Nominations from all aspects of Arabia began preceding the Angel (upon whom be harmony), entering Islam and making the vow of faithfulness to him, until when he went for the Goodbye Journey to Makkah, in A.H. 10, the entire of Arabia had become Muslim, and not a solitary polytheist remained anyplace in the country.

3 Hamd infers applauding and honoring Allah All-powerful as well as saying thanks to and paying respect to Him; tasbih means to view Allah as unadulterated and liberated from each imperfection and shortcoming. The Blessed Prophet was charged to do hamd and tasbih of Allah when he saw this indication of His power. Here, hamd really intends that in regard of his extraordinary achievement he ought to never engage even a hint of the possibility that it was the consequence of any greatness of his own, yet he ought to credit it to Allah's approval and leniency, say thanks to Him alone for it, and recognize with the heart and tongue that commendation and appreciation for the triumph and achievement had a place with Him alone. What's more, tasbih implies that he ought to see Allah as unadulterated and liberated from the constraint that honest commendation really needing his work and attempt, or was reliant upon it. Going against the norm, his heart ought to be loaded up with the confidence that the outcome of his work and battle was subject to Allah's help and aid. He could take this assistance from any of His workers He satisfied. furthermore, it was His approval that He had taken it from him, and made His religion meet accomplishment through him. Additionally, there is a part of miracle likewise in articulating the tasbih, for example Subhan Allah. At the point when a magnificent episode happens, one shouts subhan-Allah, in this manner suggesting that exclusively by Allah's power a particularly great thing had occurred; generally no force of the world might have made it work out.

4 "Pray for His absolution": "Petition your Ruler to disregard; and exculpation anything blunder or shortcoming you could have shown unintentionally in the exhibition of the assistance that He had shared with you," This is the behavior that Islam has educated to man. A man could have played out the most elevated conceivable support of Allah's Religion, could have offered endless penances in its objective, and could have endeavored very hard in completing the ceremonies of His love, yet he ought to never consider the idea that he has satisfied the right his Master had on him completely. Maybe he ought to continuously feel that he has not had the option to satisfy what was expected of him, and he ought to beg Allah, saying: "Ruler, disregard and pardon anything shortcoming I could have displayed in delivering Your right, and acknowledge the little help that I have had the option to perform." When such a decorum was educated to the Angel (upon whom be harmony), none on the planet possibly has worked and battled so hard in the reason for Allah as he did, how might someone else see his work as great and be engaged with the misconception that he has satisfied the right Allah had forced on him? Allah's right, truth be told, is incomparable to the point that no animal can at any point satisfy and deliver it genuinely and completely.

Allah in this order has shown Muslims an everlasting example: "Don't respect any of your love, commitment or strict help as something heavenly; regardless of whether you have consumed as long as you can remember in the reason for Allah, you ought to constantly imagine that you were unable to do everything that was expected of you by your Master. Moreover, when you achieve some triumph, you shouldn't view it because of some greatness in yourselves yet because of just Allah's abundance and favor. Then bowing modestly before your Master, you ought to adulate and commend Him, and ought to apologize and ask for His pardoning as opposed to bragging and boasting your prosperity and triumph."

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